文法 ぶんぽう ブンポウ bunpou Grammar
Learn How to Write Japanese Alphabets:
1. The easiest way to learn Hiragana
1.a What are these things ” ゛, ゜ , ー” doing?!
1.b Why are these “ゃ ゅ ょ っ” so small?
2. The easiest way to learn Katakana
3. Kanji guide – coming soon! (with your support and love xx)
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Learn Japanese Grammar in the most fun way! :
Confusing particles に, へ and で MOST common mistakes!
Passive, Causative “(ら)れる, (さ)せる, and (さ)せられる”
Part 1 : (ら)れる Passive / Unpleasant form
Part 2 : (さ)せる Causative (to force / make)
Part 3 : (さ)せられる and される as Passive + Causative
The difference between まって and まってて – and learn how to say “brb”.
All about the particle か – It’s not only a question marker!
– Do you say いつ行く 知ってる? “Do you know when you are going?”
This is a common mistake!! Read this and master it : )